These are different picture I took during the routerbot construction. I hope they can provide you some ideas about how everything is wired and encourage you to building your own version of routerbot.
Was wondering if I could see a picture of the voltage split. I am more of a visual learner and this is my first robotic project. Would greatly appreciate it!
Sorry, it is covered with a thick layer of insulation, it’s really hard to expose. Did you check the sparkfun article in FAQ section? They have a few diagrams that could help.
Was wondering if I could see a picture of the voltage split. I am more of a visual learner and this is my first robotic project. Would greatly appreciate it!
Sorry, it is covered with a thick layer of insulation, it’s really hard to expose. Did you check the sparkfun article in FAQ section? They have a few diagrams that could help.
I went to the sparkfun website and found a logic level converter, My understanding is this should solve the problem.
Thanx any ways, this website has been very helpful in getting my first robotic project going!
That should work just fine. I’m getting one myself for another project 🙂