Posted on March 18th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
The Cylons are a cybernetic civilization at war with the Twelve Colonies of humanity in the Battlestar Galactica science fiction franchise, in the original 1978 and 1980 series, as well as the 2003 reimagining.
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Posted on March 18th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Look at this robot! It doesn’t look like a robot at all!! It’s more like a girl casting for Star Wars!!!
Despite its look and feel it is a real robot though it can smile, pose, recognizes voice, makes speeches and other human things. The robot was designed to work as a supermodel and hopefully soon we will see it on podium next to Linda Evangelista or Tyra Banks wearing something better on top of its Star Wars armor.
Posted on March 6th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
According to this post (sorry, available only in russian) Russian defense ministry admits that after spending 1bln roubles ($25000000) russians are still unable any functional drone. So it looks like the US and Israel remain absolute leaders in the UAV development and no other countries are even close to them. Even new French drone is basically a copy of Heron-1. The BLA-05 “Tipchuck” show here doesn’t look like a serious military tool with its 2hrs of flight time.
Posted on February 25th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Lunokhod-1 was the first of two unmanned lunar rovers landed on the Moon by the Soviet Union as part of its Lunokhod program. Lunokhod was the first roving remote-controlled robot to land on another world.
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Posted on February 25th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Sounds quite unexpected turn, but according to Associated Press Pakistan requested USA to provide drones so Pakinstan, not the US will control its borders and do the strikes when necessary. According to Pakistan’s foreign minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi “Pakistan, and not the United States, should have control of the missile strikes that have killed high-level extremists but also civilians”. So it is possible the next time we hear about civilians killed in such strikes it could be all Pakistan’s fault.