Posted on April 1st, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
This is really sad news, but it looks like Pleo’s maker UGOBE seized its existence. The website is down, phones are not answering and rumors are really bad. Starting December 08 many people noticed numerous problems with Ugobe’s website. A few months later they shut down their office in California and shrank the company size down to only 20 people. As of March 31 none of the Ugobe domains are accessible. I’m sorry to say about that, but it looks like Pleo extincted. I feel very sad about that.
UPDATE: as of April 18th, 2009 Ugobe’s website is fast and furious meaning that company keeps struggling. They still have no news since June 2008, not open jobs positions and no other attributes of successful company, but the fact they still exist is a great news!
UPDATED UPDATE: as of April 20th, 2009 Ugobe has laid off all its employees and filed for bankruptcy 🙁