Posted on March 18th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Look at this robot! It doesn’t look like a robot at all!! It’s more like a girl casting for Star Wars!!!
Despite its look and feel it is a real robot though it can smile, pose, recognizes voice, makes speeches and other human things. The robot was designed to work as a supermodel and hopefully soon we will see it on podium next to Linda Evangelista or Tyra Banks wearing something better on top of its Star Wars armor.
Posted on February 23rd, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Al-Jazari’s work described fountains and musical automata, in which the flow of water alternated from one large tank to another at hourly or half-hourly intervals. This operation was achieved through his innovative use of hydraulic switching.
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Posted on February 22nd, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Pleo is an animatronic dinosaur toy designed to emulate the appearance and (imagined) behavior of a week-old baby Camarasaurus. It was designed by Caleb Chung, the co-creator of the Furby, and is manufactured by Ugobe.
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Posted on February 21st, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
Sonny is an NS-5 (Nestor Class-Five) robot from the film I, Robot. His voice and movement are provided by Alan Tudyk. Sonny was programmed by Dr. Alfred Lanning to break the first of the Three Laws of Robotics.
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Posted on February 18th, 2009
Andrey Mikhalchuk
The second portion of meterial moved from my personal blog is Routerbot v2 project outline. While the detailed instructions are still in progress a few imporvements are made to the article. I’m currently working on v2.1 and the complete instructions will be provided for the new version.